Saturday, June 13, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009're it!


I tried to get on board with when i was first introduced to it a year or two ago, I really did. I added tags to our reference desk account. I checked them daily to see what tags other folks added, but I kind of lost interest. For me it was easier to bookmark the site or just remember where I need to go to find the specific resource.

I also had a tough time remembering what the specific tag was for the subject that I was using it for. My moods and thought processes change from one day to the next. Tagging items for a group project might be a good thing if the group decides what tag names they will use ahead of time.

But then again I am the Reference Curmudgeon™ .

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Social N.

I have been on Facebook for about a year. I have found a bunch of folks that I went to High School with back in the 80's. i have also connected with a few CHPL'ers out there. You know who you are! (Shout out!)

At first I was kind of lukewarm about FB. Then I was on it all the time. Now I am kinda lukewarm again. I don't do updates as to what I am currently doing.

I am still not sold on how it could be beneficial to the library world or to the business world. Most of the stuff i have seen on FB is short lived excitement .

But then again I am the Reference Curmudgeon™ .